Bryce Denison - holds a B.F.A. from the College for Creative Studies; The College of Art and Design, and a M.A. from Wayne State University also in photography (where he spent many years as an adjunct professor). He currently travels and lectures around the country at colleges and at various photographic events, and presents workshops throughout the United States, Canada, Costa Rica and Italy. Bryce lectured on behalf of Ilford Corporation and was a representative for Westcott Corporation at national meetings and conventions for over fifteen years each. He retired as a forensic photographer from the City of Detroit Fire Department. His work has been exhibited nationally and his work is represented in the permanent collection of several museums and galleries, as well as private collections across the country. As an author/photographer, he has penned five books on photography. Bryce has been on the faculty and served as the Director of Midwest Photography Workshops since 1980.